Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Game Session 8 - Enter the Red Lake Fort


The party has entered the Red Lake Fort and found Umlo and Droja. Umlo is covered in scars from all the fighting he had done with Grizzly and Dire bears. Droja says that she knows the party and plans to help them defeat Grenseldek. But can they trust her? What is she? Come to Game Session 9 and find out if the team can kill Grenseldek and save Trunua!

The party loses Chenerey and Ragmor to marsh sickness, and they both had to stay at the kettle boat as Bloodtusk and Ingrid assist Belin, Samson, and Zarzo to sneak into the Red Lake Fort and kill Grenseldek. As they sneak up to the fort they find a quiet roaming patrol of a Hill Giant and 4 Twisted Nail Orcs. They are not spotted by the patrol and are able to get within 500 yards of the fort. There they see the same patrol enter the fort by a ladder that is at the front gate of the fort. The party waits a day and the same patrol comes out. They manage to kill most of the members of the patrol, but Bloodtusk is crushed by the Hill Giant that leads the patrol.

Ingrid quickly ties up the final living Orc to investigate the situation. He tells Ingrid as much as he can about the Fort and its current defenses. Informing her about how there are 3 factions within the fort. The first is the orcs, ran by General Ragmar. Then there are the ogres led by another leader. Then finally a small group of giants that are with Grenseldek, the leader of all three factions. Since the fall of Trunua Grenseldek hasn’t come out of her room all that much. So the 3 factions are now ready to kill each other for control of the fort. Ingrid kills the orc and then the party waits another 24 hours and no other patrols come out.

Finally Belin gets bored, and with his incredible swimming skills leads a group of the party to the dam that holds the river water back from re-filling the old moat that surrounds the fort. They manage to upon a couple of flood gates and let the water back into the perimeter of the fort. Which causes a number of orcs to drown. The leader of the orcs, General Krandar, is smart enough to realize that this group of adventures were the ones who killed the patrol and also opened up the damn. He decides to ask the party to help him fight the Ogres and Giants. Then he runs off to start a war with the Ogres.

The party follows the orcs into the fort to go and find Umlo, Ingrids lost brother that they heard fighting Bears earlier. They find him with a weird looking Oracle that says she will help them defeat Grenseldek.