Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Game Session 19 - Clearing out Skirgardt

The party is sick of the red dragon, so she decides to just follow the party and see what happens.

 The party decides to go down and see if they can clear out some loot from the abandoned camp of Skirtgardt.

The party decides to investigate the mess hall and see if anything of value is still there...

The party sees that most of the Frost Giants go into one of the Great Halls in Skirtgardt. As they are invisibly investigating the outside of the hall, the red dragon decides to step in and help destroy the remaining Frost Giants. As the dragon stormed into the building, the party decides to join in the fight and help the dragon out.

Inside they fight 21 giants. The dragon does a lot of them and almost is killed, but then the party lets the dragon leave on its own.

Now the party has practically defeated all the opposing forces in Skirtgard, the only people remaining are in Skirkatala's tomb...

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Game Session 18 - The Final Dismantling of the Skirgard Army of Giants

The party is sick of the little blue bird that says it is a red dragon. They proceed to ignore and be inconsiderate to their new supposed friend. Who only wants their help to destroy the Orb of Dragonkind.

They kill a large caravan of fey creatures, lead by a large Hag on steriods, her bodyguards on blue ice steroids, and two large hairy rhinos. Inside the large wagon they were leading down the the farmlands is 23 slaves that they free from their chains and start to lead down the icy path.
The caravan of large fey creatures

As they go down they notice an snow avalanche that is started and is now coming down upon them. The avalanche starts 2500 feet away, giving them 5 rounds to try to escape. The slaves and party start to double move away from the storm of ice coming down upon them and 4 of them trip up. They manage to save 3 of them as the avalanche buries them, only be ambushed by a couple of ice turtles.

Zarzo summons a number of earth elementals that proceed to dismantle all the watchtowers in the compound. Which also falls onto the mess hall. This causes great havoc within the valley.

Ultimately all the cave and hill giants to decide to leave the village. As well as most of the frost giants. The mass exodus is very uplifting to witness.

Finally they go back to their base camp, and the red dragon is now in its normal form. huge in fact. Begging their assistance to assault the tomb and help destroy the orb...

Now that party's level 12!!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Game Session 17 - Traveling to Skirgard

The party is now wealthy and have large homes in Trunua. Each of them have become celebrities, with followers and servants. Life is good! But a little boring also...

Trunua now has a number of representatives residing in the town from various parts of Golarion. In which each neighboring country is feeling the sting of the Giants and their massing for assaults on their homelands. Strange people who the party wouldn't expect are now residing in Trunua. A good clan of Ettins are represented, etc.

Then the party is brought in once again to have a meeting with the city council. They notice some people are missing, and new ones are there. They ask the party to help them in a mission to go to Skirgaard. A small outpost that at one time was deserted, but now it seems Giants are there being trained to be party of the large Giant army! All they know is that Frost Giants are training Hill and Cave Giants, who normally hate each other. So they suspect if the party were able to subtly sabotage them, then they will all disperse and the army threat could be removed before it gets too strong.

The party is flown to a peak outside Skirgaard, and told that within a 2 weeks the Gryphons that flew them there will return to pick them up.

As the party is looking over Skirgaard from top of the side of a mountain, a small bird starts talking to them! Crazy I know. The party then learns the small bird is a red dragon that wants their help. He tells them that he is Naximarra and would like their help in getting the Orb of Red Dragonkind. Which has absorbed the life force of his father. He needs their help because if she tries to get close to the orb, it will drain her life energy as well.

The red dragon tells the party that this frost giant village serves as a training camp, led by a frost giant graveknight who issues orders from within her icy crypt. Suggesting that guerrilla tactics can be used to weaken the army of giants and disband the camp.

The red dragon seeks to infiltrate the village for her own purposes.

The party then travels down to the lower farmlands that are being used to produce food for the Giants. They burn the crops and then kill 3 patrols of scouts.

They then ruin a statue of a Giant God as well.

They have about 17 more days of Endure Elements potions to use.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Game Session 16 - Finally Getting Mithril Temple Resolved

The party is level 9 and they have finally accumulated all the ingredients needed to re-aweaken the Mithril Hall forge! They get back and as they are asleep a couple of the party members are kidnapped! They awaken in the leader of Minithal Halls torture chamber!

While he is out argueing Sampson breaks his manacles and then gets Zarzo free as well. They then go to the roof and find a dragon! They go back down and kill the main guy. Which then somewhat complete book 3! Half way through the books now!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Game Session 15 - Collecting the Ingredients for a What?

The party is now looking for the items needed to awaken the Minderhal Temple. But is it the right thing to do?!?