Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Game Session 1 - Trunau - Ruby's Hope Knife Ceremony

Party Loot

  • Scroll of Hold Portal in a steel scroll case (50 gp)
  • Masterwork Chain Shirt
  • A Falchion (Sold 29.22 GP each)
  • A start rose quartz amulet (75 gp)
  • Coins totaling 20 gp, 95 sp, and 144 cp

The town of Trunau shouldn't exist. It is in the middle of a land of war and violence. People's memories must be short, because why would you fall in love or have a family in such chaos? It is that innate nature of life to have the desire to continue, even though you know your future will have blood...

This is the land our players have either gown up in, or are too stupid to go to more peaceful lands.

The party has befriend Ruby, Halgra's daughter and they play hide'n'seek with her after the Hope Knife ceremony. There they befriend Rodrik and Kurst Garth.
First night in Trunua after party played Hide'n'Go Seek with Ruby

The next morning they discover that Rodrik has been murdered and Kurt asked them to investigate what took place.

The party then interviews Cham Larringfass, who spills the beans on the fact that a mysterious human had stayed the night near Rodrik's room. They inspect the mysterious humans room and find a love letter to Melira. Then they inspected Rodrik's room and find a receipt for a hope knife constructed at Clamor.

They then go to the Sanctuary and inspect the body. There they learn that there was an odd poison called Oil of Teggit on the body.

They then go to Clamor and speak with Morningstar, who then has them talk to Katrezra. Who gives them Rodrik's journal that describes a weird set of things he finds at the Plague house outside of town.

The party goes to the Plague House and enter the side of the destroyed building. They fight a couple of centipedes, couple of spiders, and then finally a Gelatinous Cube!
The party first enters the Plague House and then GM screws up describing what the party sees during Spider fight! Rarrr

GM Notes - What went well
1. The mystery investigation appears to have gone smoothly and in a timely fashion.

GM Notes - What went bad
1. Didn't have the dungeon map well drawn and was confusing at the party started investigating the Plague House.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm running GIANTSLAYER this weekend and I wondered if you remembered how you ruled and roled the hide and seek game with Ruby. The Party is very weak on strength (ratfolk witch, catfolk rogue, elven wizard plus 2 absent humans fighter and druid) but good Dex throughout.
    I realize it's been a couple of years since you played this session but I'm wracking my brain trying to rule it do it is interesting and interactive
    Thanks in anticipation
