Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Game Session 2 - Trunua - Clear out the PlagueHouse and Clear out the Orcs

The town is morning the loss of one of their dearest leaders. In which he appears to have been murdered by an unknown assailant. The party has found a number of clues that are presented to Kurt Garth. Kurt is grateful that the party has been able to find out so much in regard to the mystery that is taking place.

The party then spends the night in the Ramblehouse, getting up early the following morning. They set off back to the Plaguehouse to complete their investigation of the old burned out Church. This time they enter the Plaguehouse from the other side, which has a very scary large opening on the side of the building. As they approach they notice a haunt is set in a large room which appears to have been used for the plague victims from years ago. Zarzo detects this haunt and uses her wand of cure light wounds on the haunt. Which does enough divine damage to destroy it for now...

They search the room and find some items of value. Then they continue to scrounge the rest of the building and find a lot of loot. As well as a kidnapped young boy Othgath. He has some interesting and unexpected interactions with Chenerey.

They go back to the Longhouse and find Kurt. Zarzo gives the hopeknife that was found in the Plauguehouse to Brinya. Then they use the knife during the cremation funeral ceremony for Rodrick.

As the funeral procession end and the sun sets. An attack of the city starts, in which the Orcs use the darkness to their advantage.

Kurt commands the party to help light the pyre's that are setup throughout the city encase of an attack such as this. The party sets off to the first pyre which is close by in Upper Trunua. As they approach they see a mob of people getting ready to lynch Brinya. The party helps Brinya by telling the mob that she isn't the cause of this catastrophe and we all need to work together to destroy this foe that is attacking the city. This works, giving the party their first Reputation Point.

As they head toward the second pyre Kurt sees them again and informs them to clear out any lingering raiders in the inner Trunua district of the city. He then has the last remaining gaurd to raise the portcullis for them to enter the area.

They go into the area and find it in complete disarray. In which there are numerous bodies of orcs, guards, and town folk littering the area.

The party goes into Sara Morningstar's burning house and help save her. Another reputation point.

Then they go and kill all the orcs in a tower. Another reputation point.

Then they find a couple of thugs assaulting a human villager. They save the villager. Another reputation point.

Then they find an unconscious druid that they know in the city. Another reputation point.

Finally they find Omar Sandosh, who is setting up a number of barricades to block any further assaults from Orcs. He asks for the help of the party to defend this point. After a few moments he says brace yourselves! Here they come!

And this is where we stopped in our Giantslayer adventure of Trunua. Will the party be able to survive the hordes of Orcs that will attempt to assault the city? Hopefully in two weeks we will know the answer!

GM Notes

1. Brought sound system with Syrinscape to provide background music while gaming.
2. Brought a number of miniatures and maps to use for combat

1.Didn't like all the similar Orc combats that were back-to-back. Would have liked more variation in the inner Trunua district.


  1. Great job, Earl. It was a good gaming session. Thank you. - W

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. BTW - love having the miniatures.
