The party killed the Hill Giant and a few Orcs that appeared to be guarding a new hole in the side of one of the cliffs of Trunua. As the party enters the cavern they realize it is a large tomb that has been locked up for a number of years.
Once inside they see a set of walk ways that lead off to the east, west, and north. The party decided to go along the western side of the cavern since they could hear water trickling from the east.
As they went around a large opening to a murky pit below, they see a large room full of treasure and large Giant skeletons. Most of which appeared to be truly dead, except for one large skeleton that starts to move as soon as the party senses it not being actually dead. Sorzo noticed it being alive and had a small surprise round to prepare for the assault.
The party starts to fight the skeleton, as well as a small rat, that appeared to be incorporeal during combat. As the party is getting close to destroying the skeleton, two large dire wolves come around enter from the other side of the room and attack Val. Given their versus bites, they kill Val.
Behind the two dire wolves is a half-orc who appears to be an alchemist, who throws a series of bombs at the party.
But the large skeleton is upset at the wolves presence in the tomb, so he attacks one of the wolves. Then the party retreated out of the room, which then causes the half-orc, and a troll to leave the room as well. In which the half-orc yells at the troll in giant to assist him in searching for something.
The party heals up and then goes back to pursue the half-orc and troll. Which appear to have left the final room in the tomb through another access point. But the troll makes a lot of noise and causes some spiders and Gulks to attack the troll and half-orc.
The party finishes off the half-orc and loot the body. There they find a poster size note as well as a large rock. They discover that the rock is actually a 3 dimensional map of a part of the Mindspin Mountains.
The session ended as the party goes on an assignment from Halgra and the Trunua Council of Defenders meeting. Now they are on a boat that is going through the heart of Belkzen to the Ghostlight Marshlands.
GM Notes
1. Having Tony handle initiative sped up combat.
2. A players death has led to internal discussions regarding new player's joining the group, level progression, and loot management.
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